8 Best Eyebrow Growth Serums, According to Dermatologists 2024


Over-the-counter brow growth serums really do work, but need to be used consistently over many weeks to months, says Dr. Portela. The most effective option for regrowth is a prescription product called Latisse, but if a doctor’s visit is out of the question, OTC beauty products containing the right ingredients (plus a little bit of patience) will also do the trick. Look for a prostaglandin or prostaglandin analog, like bimatoprost which is found in the prescription-strength formula Latisse, or isopropyl cloprostenate, like what you’d find in GrandeLash, says Geeta Yadav, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Facet Dermatology. Both of these active ingredients encourage hair growth, but other notable ingredients in a formulation include peptides and amino acids to directly support brow growth and hyaluronic acid or vitamin E to hydrate and protect the skin, says Dr. Portela.

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