The new moon in Scorpio on November 1 lights up your eighth house of shared resources and transformation. This asks you to reset your approach to intimacy and finances. As the sun enters Sagittarius on November 21, your adventurous spirit ignites, and you may feel drawn to travel or to expand your knowledge. So let the positivity of The Sun tarot card guide your path toward growth and fulfillment.
October 2024
The Magician: October opens with a new moon solar eclipse in your seventh house of relationships. This presents a perfect opportunity for you to create new connections or enhance existing ones. Although I don't recommend ritualized manifestation, it’s a great time to live life the way that you dream for it to be. For example, utilize the tools you already have in your life to start moving in the direction that you desire to go.
The Magician card signals that you have all the tools you need right now to turn your dreams into reality. So instead of getting hung up on what you don’t have, you need to shift focus on what’s already present in your life that works or makes you happy. This month, harness your charm and power to create meaningful relationships and set intentions for more love and balance to arrive. By the time the full moon arrives in your sign on October 17, you’ll feel recharged with a burst of energy to take bold actions and assert your desires into the world. You being nothing more or less than the real you is key here! Embrace the magic within you, and watch as your intentions start to take shape.
September 2024
Ace of Pentacles: In September, I see the universe handing you a golden opportunity—a seed of potential that has the potential to grow into something truly prosperous. Whether it's a new job, a financial boost, or a fresh start on a personal project, the Ace of Pentacles suggests that abundance has arrived for you to enjoy.
It’s important for you to remember, as all of these blessings start flowing in, that it’s up to you to nurture this growth. Don’t allow yourself to spoil in this new endeavor. Instead, spread the wealth and share in your joys with your loved ones. If it’s a project that you get to work on, try your best to turn it into something tangible and long-lasting. As the full-moon lunar eclipse in Pisces arrives on September 17, you might feel a surge of motivation to take action. So plant your seeds now, and watch them grow into something magnificent before the month ends!
August 2024
Queen of Swords: This month I see you finally using your voice in a proud way and standing up for what (and who) you believe in. You’re no longer in the chapter of your life where you feel utterly confused about where you are headed and who is going with you. Instead, you know your worth and are acting in it.