I see you finally surrounded by the type of love and admiration that you’ve always given so freely to the wrong people. But now this next chapter is yours for the taking. So celebrate with a get-together around the time that Gemini season begins on the 20th. This has the potential to be a memory-filled season that you'll never forget.
April 2024
Three of Wands: In April, your wish is the universe’s command! You are starting to realize how powerful you are when you walk into a room, and that’s not simply because others are taking notice. It’s because you’ve woken up to your own worth. You are a shining star, and the way that you are co-creating with the universe is bringing your heart’s desires to the main stage for others to receive and admire. You might be posting, sharing, documenting, or publishing more than you typically do.
This is from an extra dose of magic that Aries season is blessing you with as it lights up your third house of connection, friends, and communication. You are leaning back on the people you love, and they are showing up for you, hard-core. However, if you are still feeling unfulfilled, you might need to look in new spaces for the love that you desire, rather than placing all of your eggs in one basket.
March 2024
Four of Pentacles: This month will be filled with a sense of “lack” and doubt on your end, and it’s important to address this and figure out why it’s rearing its ugly head, Aquarius. You are being gifted the chance to realize where your void is stemming from and fill it once and for all. Instead of using things (or people) as a pacifier, take advantage of this month’s encouragement to do deep inner healing and introspection so you can find a true solution.
You are meant to break out of this pattern once and for all. You might be meeting up with old friends, going to your hometown, or sitting down with old stories from your childhood that no longer serve you. You had your past, but you are not living in your past any longer. It’s time to get present with your limitlessness and thrive internally as well as externally.
February 2024
Queen of Cups: You might find that a lot of heavy emotions are arising for you, Aquarius. Some things have happened in your life that have gone largely unnoticed by others, but they have punctured a wound in your heart that needs tending to. It could have been an innocuous comment from someone else, a moment of betrayal, a chapter of loneliness, or something that is too complicated to put into words.