Why I Apply Mike Tyson's Mindset to My Business Strategy


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Everyone knows who Mike Tyson is. After all, he is a boxing legend. His mindset of determination, mental stamina and adaptability is a blueprint for business success as well as boxing. That's why I've adopted his principles for my business.

Understanding how to use the same discipline, focus and resilience as Tyson can transform your business and give it a competitive edge. It did for me.

Related: 4 Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Mike Tyson

1. Focusing on the goal

Tyson was laser-focused on his goal to become the youngest heavyweight champion in the world. That and discipline led him to dominate the ring.

Focus is important to long-term business success. Entrepreneurs are constantly distracted by challenges and opportunities. Clear vision is necessary to ensure every decision, big or minor, gets you closer to your goals. Every aspect has to contribute to the bigger picture.

Focus makes it easier to ignore the noise and focus on what is important to your business's success.

2. Thriving under pressure

Knowing how to thrive under pressure is as important to a business leader as it is to a boxer. Tyson adapted in the ring when the challenger put him under pressure. He faced unexpected moves but learned how to change his strategy to turn the match in his favor. It was a strength in his career.

Business leaders get into a rut of thinking there is only one way out of a situation when there are many. Look at all your possible strategies and change course.

Running a business has many hidden challenges and unforeseen events. Pivoting keeps you competitive. You must remain flexible in adopting and changing strategies, especially when what you're doing isn't working. Tyson is an example that survival and success come to those who are agile and change course when needed.

3. Turning a setback into a comeback

No one successfully avoids all setbacks. Tyson faced financial troubles, public backlash and personal problems that could have ended his career. He always found a way to rise when knocked down, both in and out of the ring. Resilience is what defines legendary boxers and entrepreneurs.

Businesses will go through various types of failures. It's inevitable. A deal may fail or a strategy may not work. It can feel like everything is crumbling and your world is crashing. Yet, you can turn every setback into a comeback. It depends on how you view failure.

Failure doesn't equate to an ending. It gives you a chance to learn and improve. You can come back with a better strategy. Being able to push through tough times is just as important as winning.

You can turn your failure or setback into a strength. It's a matter of changing your perspective to see how it can ultimately benefit you. Once you do that, you can turn that into messaging that promotes your comeback.

Related: Your Lowest Moments Can Pave the Way for a Creative Rebirth. Here's How to Master Setbacks.

4. Developing mental strength and discipline

Every success starts with the mind. Tyson has great physical strength. He was formidable in the ring. Yet, it was his mental strength that gave him the edge. He was dedicated to training, and that discipline, which starts with a mental decision, made him different from competitors.

It takes consistency and discipline for a business to push through difficult times. It may seem like nothing is working, but the decision to never give up and keep going until you see results will give you long-term success. You must stay mentally sharp, and I do that by creating daily habits that lay the foundation for my vision.

One habit that has helped me is to think ahead about my reaction to all the different scenarios that can occur in a specific situation. I imagine my plan B, C and D. I practice what I would say. The scenario may never happen, but I'm ready to react quickly if it does.

5. Believing in your strengths

Tyson knew he had all the abilities to win the match. He understood what they were and how to use them in the ring. Business leaders should also know their unique strengths and have the confidence to use them. Your strengths set you apart. How you leverage them to build your business depends on your confidence and creativity.

You may need to think outside the norm to figure out how to use your strengths to the biggest advantage. It may take a few experiments to find out the best way to use them. That's okay. Tyson didn't get the right strategy out of the gate either.

Playing to my strengths has been pivotal in my business. Identifying what I do best and honing those gifts helps me stand out in a crowded marketplace. Like Tyson, I don't try to be like everyone else but focus on what makes me unique. I have skills and talents others don't and consistently work to build my business around my core strengths.

6. Pursuing opportunities without fear

Tyson faced older, stronger and more experienced opponents when he started his career — yet, he was fearless. He drew courage from his belief in his abilities. Business leaders need fearlessness to pursue opportunities. Fear of failure can hold you back because it prevents you from taking a risk that could be a great catalyst for your business.

You can't accept every risk. Every risk must be calculated and evaluated. Tyson evaluated the risk and made strategy decisions based on the perceived reward. I do the same whenever I face a bold decision. That helps me approach every decision with confidence and faith that it will work. You can win in business, but only if you step into the ring.

Related: 8 Sources of Strength Powerful Enough to Overcome the Fears Holding You Back

Mike Tyson's attitude offers lessons to those seeking to improve their businesses. His mindset, emphasizing focus, discipline, adaptability, resilience and courage, can help every business leader. That mindset helps me set daily business goals. These attributes help me establish habits that make for a knock-out business strategy.

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