Taylor Swift Made Kansas City Chiefs Coach Her Signature Homemade Pop-Tarts


When is Taylor Swift ever not making something? If it's not new music it's handmade baby blankets and if it's not baby blankets it's homemade Pop-Tarts. On November 26, Kansas City Chiefs coach David Merritt Sr. tweeted that the pop superstar had baked her own “victory Pop-Tarts” for him—which she's been doing all season.

“Taylor Swift baked homemade victory Pop Tarts [for] me!” he wrote, alongside photos of Swift and the homemade tarts in question. His tweet went on, referring to his wife, “Yolonda Merritt said, ‘She’s done it all season for different people Dave’ 🤦🏽‍♂️ I thought I was SPECIAL 🤦🏽‍♂️😝🤣 Sweet young woman regardless!”

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Apparently Merritt wasn't around when Swift made the team her Pop-Tarts last year. “Kind of behind-the-scenes, she, to fit in—she didn't even know she was doing this, I don't think—she likes to cook, so she made the offensive linemen homemade Pop-Tarts,” fellow coach Andy Reid said in March, per People.

Taylor Swift's signature Pop-Tarts have also gotten a shout out from her boyfriend, Travis Kelce. “Taylor makes a great Pop-Tart and cinnamon roll,” he said at a press conference in June. Responding to a reporter's question, Kelce also said that, “I thoroughly enjoy cooking with her.”

But don't worry, Dave Merritt. You're still special!

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