Outlander's Graham McTavish and Lotte Verbeek on Their Wild Return to the Show


And how about you, Graham? What did you think when you heard about this episode you'd be coming back for?

Graham McTavish: It's been extraordinary, but I found that whole thing just completely bizarre, really. I got called to play Buck first, which I didn't expect—to play my own son. And then, I get to play myself again with my son. It's quite mind-bending. It's a unique situation that will never be repeated, I suspect.

It's such a fascinating—and at times, hilarious—scene.

Verbeek: Yeah, wild. I mean, it's just wild. You never get to do that. It would never happen in real life, so only on camera can this happen. Only in a show like this. It was great.

McTavish: And you have to forget that's the case when you're in the scene. You have to just look at that person as a person that you're meeting for the first time. You have no idea who they are, and you think, “Oh, maybe I'll get to know you better or maybe not.” Then I meet Geillis, and that takes me completely away from Buck. I don't even think about him for a moment. I'm just thinking about her.

Will you both be back later in the second half of season seven? Or was episode 710 the only one?

McTavish: We can't say.

Verbeek: I'm so sorry, but our lips are sealed.

That's an interesting answer in and of itself. [Laughs] Meanwhile, Graham, you and Sam Heughan are so close. Were you able to see him on set at all?

McTavish: I didn't see Sam, no. I saw him around socially, but not on set. I would have loved to, though.

Verbeek: Yeah, it was just the actors in this scene. And I mean, gosh, the cast has become so massive by now with all such phenomenal actors. But yeah, Sam and Kat, we didn't see that time around, no.

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