I Used to Shampoo the Wrong Way Until a Hairdresser Told Me This


I used to shampoo wrong, until a hairdresser told me how to do it properly.

If you have fine hair and are anything like me, you've washed your hair the same way your whole life: Add shampoo, lather it all up, and wash it out straight away. I didn't realize until recently that this method is actually counterproductive for healthy and shiny hair.

And after I talked to my hairstylist the other day about my concerns, I quickly realized I've been washing my hair all wrong. A common mistake people make when shampooing their hair, according to my hairstylist? Not paying attention to the scalp.

By always shampooing my entire head and hair every day, my already fine hair often felt rather flat and quickly greasy again. According to hairdresser Charlotte Probst, however, it mainly depends on one area: the scalp.

“Cleansing the roots or scalp is much more important for the health of the hair,” she tells me. “This is where sebum—an oily substance that keeps your skin from drying out—collects and brings with it excess oils and dirt.” If the roots are cleansed with shampoo, the scalp remains healthy and can maintain its balance which results in fresh and less greasy hair.

The lengths and ends, which tend to be dry for many people, do not need extra shampoo. The lengths in particular, which are already dry and sensitive, are only roughened even more by regular shampooing. It actually isn't necessary at all, because the shampoo runs through the hair anyway when you rinse it out. It'll rinse off any dirt or sweat at the same time.

This simple and free life hack has also been going viral on TikTok for some time, and it makes perfect sense why: By focusing on the roots, you protect the lengths and ends from getting too dry, while the most important part of the whole process—the scalp—is thoroughly cleansed. This leaves the hair healthier, smoother, and looking fresher for longer. I've noticed the effect from day one.

So, I now shampoo like this: I lather up a small amount of product in my hands, and then massage it thoroughly into my scalp and hairline with my fingers. Then, I rinse it out with water and occasionally apply conditioner to the ends. According to my expert, Probst, this step should never be missed when washing your hair if you have dry lengths or split ends.

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