Autumn is almost here and we'll happily take the temperature dip if it means we're due some truly dreamy fall haircut trends. What's on the menu (other than pumpkin spiced lattes)?
The top hair stylists we spoke to predicted shorter lengths will pull through as the months get colder, and, unsurprisingly, we'll be mining the '90s archive for our inspo. Meanwhile, if your bangs have been scraped back off your face for summer, fall is the optimal time to let her loose to do her thang. And, we'll be seeing our hair (like our outfits) benefit from some serious layering.
Ahead, see all the 2024 fall haircut trends you need to know.
Taking hair shorter in autumn may feel counterintuitive when we're wanting to cover up in cozy knits. But actually, it makes a lot of sense to lift lengths now before letting them grow out in time for next summer (giving you more options to tie hair back when it's hot). W
hat's more, the trend has a whole heap of nostalgia around it, with short hairstyles tapping up '90s references this season. “I'm foreseeing shorter hair, for sure, in Autumn 2024,” notes celebrity hairstylist and ColorWow international creative director, Dom Seeley. If you're unsure whether to go for a bob or shorter, split the difference. Dom reckons the “crob” or cropped bob, is the style to watch.
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“Think: cropped hair that's not as short as a pixie but shorter than a bob, like Natalie Imbruglia's ‘90s hair,” he says. “Or textured, shorter bobs with wispier lengths and movement throughout,” he adds. The ’90s have given us plenty of midi and long inspo lately, “but we’re going to see more of this ‘90s crop come forward for the shorter hair girls that don’t want to brave a pixie just yet,” Dom predicts.