Hailey Bieber's New Mom Manicure Was Personally Requested by Justin Bieber


Hailey Bieber latest manicure was a family affair.

On August 23, Justin Bieber announced the birth of their first child with a photo of the newborn's tiny foot nestled in a soft blanket and Hailey's freshly-manicured hand. “WELCOME HOME,” he captioned the first photo of Jack Blues Bieber on Instagram, which has since received over 19 million likes. Hailey later shared his post to her Instagram Story with a bear and blue heart emoji.

Frankly, if I knew my hands would be seen by even 20 people, I'd make sure to book an appointment with my favorite nail artist. For Hailey Bieber, that's Zola Ganzorigt. The duo have been setting nail polish trends for years, famously kick-starting the glazed donut nail craze of Summer 2022.

This time, however, Ganzorigt went with a “more muted nudish" polish with a "white micro French” design on Hailey's almond-shaped nails, telling Vogue, “Justin has been choosing Hailey’s nail design lately and it was his request.”

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Hailey Bieber announced her pregnancy in May, sharing a stunning maternity photo shoot with her husband. "I was honestly able to keep it quiet because I stayed small for a long time. I didn't have a belly, really, until I was six months pregnant, which is when I announced it. I was able to wear big jackets and stuff," she told ABC News in July. "I probably could have hid it until the end, but I didn't enjoy the stress of not being able to enjoy my pregnancy outwardly. I felt like I was hiding this big secret, and it didn't feel good. I wanted the freedom to go out and live my life.”

It seems the couple are taking the same approach as parents, revealing their child's name to the world before anyone had a chance to pry. After all, fans were already jumping to conclusions after Hailey posted cherry blossom manicure back in May.

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