What do you want your year to look like, dear Aries? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you ask yourself tough questions to make the changes necessary for growth. They can also help shift your perspective to become the person you’ve always dreamed of being. Together we can find your highest vibrational self in 2024 through tarot horoscopes.
Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Aries. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.
Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.
August 2024
Queen of Swords: This month I see you finally using your voice in a proud way and standing up for what (and who) you believe in. You're no longer in the chapter of your life where you feel utterly confused about where you are headed and who is going with you. Instead, you know your worth and are acting in it.
So when the full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 19, you might see some changes occur in your inner circle. Just know that whoever leaves was always meant to leave, and all they're doing is making space for the best that is yet to come. You deserve it all, Aries!
July 2024
Five of Pentacles: The cards show you may find yourself in the midst of loss and change this month. Is there some part of your identity that’s been trying to shake itself free for years? This month it finally has the opportunity to set itself free to liberate you and move you into a new reality. Once you get to the other side, you may find it’s nothing short of magic.
However, you must know that it’s okay to be upset when loss happens. Often, the less you judge and intellectualize pain, the more quickly you’ll find yourself on the other side of it. So try to do something kind for yourself in the process of grieving. Even something as simple as ordering soft new sheets, watching your favorite comfort show, or calling a trusted friend can help to lessen the load. Lean on the things that you know will bring joy.
June 2024
Three of Swords: There is a sense of purging happening this month, Aries, and it’s going to take some effort on your end to realize where you’ve led yourself astray. When others hurt or disappoint you, that doesn’t mean you need to take all of the responsibility in order for things to resolve, but it does mean that you need to make some new choices in order for things to change.